Why choose SaveOnFormula.com?
Saveonformula.com is your baby formula & other discounted products warehouse. Its where you will find formula & other discounted products at over 25% off retail prices on brands such as Similac and Enfamil. SaveOnFormula stocks all products and ships daily out of our warehouse on the East Coast in order to ensure timely delivery of your orders. With our committed customer service specialists, no question will go unanswered. We are available Monday through Thursday 9:30am till 5:30pm and Friday from 9:30am till 12pm.

Fast Shipping
In order to ensure your delivery will get to you on time, SaveOnFormula.com picks, packs and ships your order shortly after it is received. You can request tracking for orders and even request expedited delivery if you need it quicker than Ground delivery.

Secure Shopping
Shop at SaveOnFormula with confidence. Our site is equipped with SSL Certificates and PCI Compliancy. All payments are handled via PayPal or directly with a credit card to ensure no information is shared.

Customer Service
Have a question about your order? Our knowledgeable customer service specialists are available via Email or private message. Tickets are usually answered within 2-3 business hours and you can message us now via the contact page.
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Get Gift Cards
Gift cards comes in 4 variants: $10, $25, $50, $100